
Marty Batfreak, ex Marty B, is a DJ in Sydney, Australia, since '91 (and he's been around since '72). He loves music, and he'll probably love your music too, as long as you're not a rising nu-rave star. Years of radio fun has him @ Killakast.com in '08. Now, he's a Daddy... Liam is 2, and a lot of fun. google Batfreak / fukjamum / timezup / dissico for more of his online audio antics.

Monday, January 29, 2007

coming soon, a concert i saw advertised on a pole:


---- what year is it, please?....

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What's this? David Letterman, at 7.30pm?

The sun hasn't even finished setting yet!!?!!?...

...oh, i see... it takes Terri and Bindi Irwin to justify the earlier timeslot.
What's this? David Letterman, at 7.30pm?

The sun hasn't even finished setting yet!!?!!?...

...oh, i see... it takes Terri and Bindi Irwin to justify the earlier timeslot.

Monday, January 22, 2007

ARGGH! When will i win the big money?

$60 here, $10 there (which pretty much covers what i've spent on buy-ins and beer).

BUT 4th AGAIN at the same venue, where the money starts at 3rd (actually, it's 2nd, 3rd is a showbag of bar goodies which TJ kindly shared with me).

One day.... yes, one day.... love Poker.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Lest we forget: Granville Rail Disaster 1977.

---= moving on....=----

I meet all types of people, and i work with all types of people, but never forget: we must not disclose what happens at work with people outside.


This bizzle at wizzle got sizzled, just before she quizzled.

She HIZZLED my assizzle, but the whole tizzle, i knizzled something wasn't rizzle..


Of course, you probably have no idea what i'm talking about, but if i didn't pizzle this shizzle, i'd forgizzle how thrizzled i am to be RIZZLE!

Trizzle your instizzles, peeps.

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