
Marty Batfreak, ex Marty B, is a DJ in Sydney, Australia, since '91 (and he's been around since '72). He loves music, and he'll probably love your music too, as long as you're not a rising nu-rave star. Years of radio fun has him @ Killakast.com in '08. Now, he's a Daddy... Liam is 2, and a lot of fun. google Batfreak / fukjamum / timezup / dissico for more of his online audio antics.

Friday, June 22, 2007

You know what a tautology is...

like saying: 'wet water... tragic death... hot sun... small dwarf...'

... and my fave new one: Paris Hilton hunger strike.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

And welcome to Winter, the one when Sydney got so drenched, people's lives literally got washed away; when a tanker got stuck in Newcastle; and when a Hell's Angel spent 8am shooting Melbourne's CBD. With a handgun.... while Paris goes to jail, and out, and in.

And an Aussie drag racer collected charity bystanders with no guard rails on the side.

AND www.killawillba.com is born, big ups to Graham for getting into the 'cast spirit so eagerly.

AND when i finally found the Old Skool thread at www.inthemix.com.au to post my old 90's flyers - yay.

AND when i moved from DOH contract to FM contract - yay.

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