
Marty Batfreak, ex Marty B, is a DJ in Sydney, Australia, since '91 (and he's been around since '72). He loves music, and he'll probably love your music too, as long as you're not a rising nu-rave star. Years of radio fun has him @ Killakast.com in '08. Now, he's a Daddy... Liam is 2, and a lot of fun. google Batfreak / fukjamum / timezup / dissico for more of his online audio antics.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It has been a while...
I'm now living in Mortdale (after Tempe, Dulwich Hill...) and though separated, we 3 did make it up to the farm in May to see Grandma.
I'm post Sensis, post HSS SWSD, and now studying at Tafe


This should bring you up to speed, a little...


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